Monday, January 13, 2014

Blog 1

Hello everyone, my name is Jacqueline and this is my blog. I am an exercise science major and hope to become a physician's assistant. I am fascinated with science and usually do well in math. History and English are not my best subjects so this class has been a challenge for me, however it has taught me a lot. When it comes to making big decisions, and even small insignificant ones, I can be very indecisive. of course, I wasn't sure which honors sequence to choose.   I decided to take Latin American Civilization and Culture because my best friend advised me to choose a class that not only seemed interesting to me, but was new and different from all of the other classes I would be taking for my major. I took some Spanish in high school and it was a lot of fun. We learned bits and pieces about the culture of Spanish speaking cultures and it was very interesting to me. I wanted to learn more about the history and culture of Latin America. I was especially interested in learning about the culture of the indigenous people. Latin American Civilization is not like my other science classes. This advice was excellent and I am very happy with my decision. Although this class can be challenging, I have learned a lot. I also really like everyone in this class :) Good luck to everyone this semester!

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